Classes and Workshops...
About Group Classes...
Learn to Roller Skate or Inline Skate (Rollerblade) with group classes...
Level 1 - Introductory Learn to Skate Class
In this class we cover the basics of striding, turning, and learning your first stops. This is a great class if you are just starting out or want to feel more confident on your skates. Beginners who have learnt the fundamental skills at this level can move up to Level 2 (below)
Level 2 - Skate Skills Class
These classes are great for skaters wanting to enhance their existing skills or learn more intermediate skills such as Crossovers, Backwards Skating, Transitions, Pivots and different Stops. Each class will cover approx 2-3 different skills with a step by step breakdown for those learning and individual skill refinement for those looking for that 'secret sauce'!
*Beginner 'Learn to Skate' attendees should check with the instructor before moving onto Level 2 classes, and beyond